Spring is finally here! I can’t wait to hear the birds chirping, see the days getting longer and watch the first buds as they push their way up through the ground. We have all been stressed these past few months and have been lacking in ways to connect with nature and to express our creativity.
BLOOM (noun) A Beautiful Process of Becoming
That’s why, this year, we are using the bloom of spring as our inspiration. Nature is grounding and soothing, it is also nourishing and rewarding.
This term we will not only work with plants, we will watch them grow. In fact our first project is designing a clay pot, and then planting a clipping. Our reliance on nature won’t end there. We will also be building terrariums this Spring. A terrarium is like a little world that can fit on your desk. Designing and then creating a terrarium will allow students to plant and create from their imagination. They will design polymer clay landscapes to accompany their plants, to make up their own magical world.
“Spring will Come and so will Happiness. Hold on. Life will get Warmer”.
Anita Krizzan.
Be immersed for one hour a week with watercolour, acrylic painting, and with clay and dirt. No screens, just the chance to socialize and create in a safe and creative environment. So immersed, in fact, that we often say the hardest part about coming to a class at Messy Pants is getting your kid to leave at the end of the hour. Warning: student’s may leave the studio with dirt under their fingernails and a smile on their faces.
During our bloom session we will still have time to work on some of the fundamental skills of art. We will work on our fine motor and drawing skills by learning how to sketch bugs and plants. Students will also work on the understanding of scale while making our miniature sculptures for the terrariums. Slime, water -colour paintings and paper craft will also be worked on over the eight week-term.